Zwölf Artikel – The Twelve Articles of the Black Forest
Deutsch: Zwölf Artikel der Bauern: Flugschrift von 1525 English: 12 farmers' articles: Leaflets from C.E.1525 On this date March 20, 1525, the twelve articles of the Upper Swabian Peasants Groups were published. I will post two version of the articles before giving my thoughts. Summary of the Twelve Articles 1. Every town and village shall be entitled to elect and to dismiss its preacher if he misbehaves. The preacher shall preach the gospel simply, straight and clear, without any human additions, for it is written that we can only attain God through true faith. 2. The preachers shall be paid from the great tithe. Any surplus shall be used to help the village poor and pay the war tax. The small tithe shall be abolished, for it was invented by humans, for the Lord, our God, created livestock free for mankind. 3. Until now it has been practice that we have been treated like serf...